I Just given code for Marquee JLable.
import java.awt.Graphics;
import javax.swing.JLabel;
public class MarqueeLabel extends JLabel {
public static int LEFT_TO_RIGHT = 1;
public static int RIGHT_TO_LEFT = 2;
String text;
int Option;
int Speed;
public MarqueeLabel(String text, int Option, int Speed) {
this.Option = Option;
this.Speed = Speed;
protected void paintComponent(Graphics g) {
if (Option == LEFT_TO_RIGHT) {
g.translate((int) ((System.currentTimeMillis() / Speed) % (getWidth() * 2) - getWidth()), 0);
} else if (Option == RIGHT_TO_LEFT) {
g.translate((int) (getWidth() - (System.currentTimeMillis() / Speed) % (getWidth() * 2)), 0);
How to Use
MarqueeLabel myLable = new MarqueeLabel("Welcome to www.How2Java.com", MarqueeLabel.RIGHT_TO_LEFT, 20);
JLabel myLable = new MarqueeLabel("Welcome to www.How2Java.com", MarqueeLabel.RIGHT_TO_LEFT, 20);
Parameters :
1. Text : Text set to JLable
2. Direction : There is two constant MarqueeLabel.RIGHT_TO_LEFT and MarqueeLabel.LEFT_TO_RIGHT
3. Speed : int value (increasing value then decreasing speed and decreasing value then increasing speed)
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